The outbreak of the coronavirus presented many challenges throughout the year. Without question we thank those in the healthcare industry, both on the front-lines and in the research laboratories that have enabled us to return to some sense of normalcy.
There has also been incredible sacrifice by industrial workers to keep the lights on at businesses worldwide. We would be remiss to not recognize that tradesmen and women, janitors, manufacturing staff, researchers, and other positions were critical during this time.
I started this blog around this time last year with the intent on writing and sharing my thoughts around how electrification is changing our world. I have always been fascinated by the massive amounts of investment that countries have dedicated toward building renewable energy infrastructure. With the help of my amazing fiancee, we designed a logo and shared ideas around some of my articles. She also hooked me up with this sleek thermos to hold my daily coffee! I can’t thank her enough for her support.
I want to particularly highlight the battery industry for its resiliency and perseverance to substantially grow through such a tumultuous time. Whether it be academic researchers (#battchat #batterytwitter !) or manufacturing plant personnel there continues to be heavy demand for improving and producing lithium ion batteries.
Despite all of that demand, battery electric vehicle registrations in the United States were only 1.8% in 2020. Electric vehicles are still considered luxury goods that need further cost reductions to firmly penetrate the automobile market.
There is much needed innovation in the industry to bring the electric vehicle to the masses. With all of the ongoing research and sharing of insight/data I am excited for where the industry is headed.
The Battchat Community
The community is plush with academics, industry professionals, and writers willing to share the latest discoveries and news. In particular I’d like to shout out the folks below for always maintaining a 100% state of charge. These are some great follows for anyone looking to learn more about the industry.
Learnings and a Look Forward
The battery industry which is dominated by electric vehicles has created ancillary businesses related to electric charging infrastructure, grid energy storage, and materials mining (lithium, copper, and other metals). The demand for these solutions continues to grow as the country pushes towards a sustainable and ultimately lower cost future. As the cost to produce batteries continues to drop we realize the potential of incorporating batteries into the global energy system.
The cost per kWh is approaching the $115/kWh mark with goals of $50-60 in the next few years. A further 50% reduction in battery cost could shave up to $5000 off future electric vehicles. This is based on the estimation that the cost of an electric vehicle battery pack is roughly 30% the total cost of the vehicle, as per Bloomberg BNEF. Some of the latest reports, in fact, suggest that electric vehicles could reach cost parity with internal combustion vehicles in 2027.
There is daily change occurring in the battery and electric vehicle industries and with more employees returning to work the change will ramp up even faster. I will continue to share thoughts and ideas around anything that interests me and continue producing TECHtricity content for you!
If you are interested in staying up to date, feel free to subscribe or follow me on twitter @TECHtricityblog on Twitter.